Tuesday Apr 16

Joseph Montes


I won’t dignify that with an answer.This is so silly and stupid, ridiculous and childish. The other night you called my mother a whore, who was nothing but kind and gracious to you, You’re 50 years old, not three. Your beef is with me, not them, but you attacked and insulted them anyways. You chose to level the ugliest insults at my parents, who’ve done and did nothing to you, nothing at all. First, you should’ve never said it. Secondly, you should feel awful, terrible and horrible about it and wanted to apologize for it. You didn’t, don’t and won’t and that says it all about you.

You should, also, feel regret and remorse, but you don’t. You think and feel that it is/was justified and that you’re not accountable or responsible for your actions, behavior and words and it is/was ok and nothing was wrong with it. Everything is wrong with that. They did nothing to you. There is nothing that excuses or justifies what you said about them or even bringing them into this with me.