Thursday Jul 22

Joseph Montes

This drama needs to end

I just want out of this drama. I’m my worst enemy. I engaged in it with you. This had no place to go and there was never any chance it could. There just was nowhere to go. I’ve grown indifferent and just want out of the drama of it all.

I fear your temper, rage, anger, hate and hostility. My boys future is on the line and your hate and dislike of me knows no bounds or depths. It is where you at with me and you feel the way you feel. I fear you.. what you wrote the other night was disturbing, demeaning, distressing and disgusting. It was full of pure hate, rage and anger. Largely made up and full of exaggeration and pure fabrication.

I just want out and not to be continuously punished for it. I fear you and your temper. I do. I’m afraid of you and your need to punish me. I pose no threat to you, will not interfere in your life and wish you would and could do the same for me.

I just want peace, harmony, balance and happiness and hope you will not interfere with that and let me be. Those things are not possible with you or this in my life in anyway. You are not any reason or responsible for my troubles or problems, as I am not a reason or responsible for any of yours.

I fear you, so, I ask for your mercy to just let me be without any interference from you or by you. I ask for mercy for my boys sake. They have endured and suffered enough. So, please, let it go.