It started with a lie, deceit and deception from Heather Killebrew, before I even called her, the very first time. I looked her up on google after she messaged me on MATCH in Mid-November of 2017, right before Thanksgiving. The results showed that she was a Real Estate agent, which was untrue, misleading and false. She had been, at one time, but hadn’t been for a long while before November of 2017 and up until August 1st of this year, still wasn’t. It was the start and beginning of many more.
“It's also so sad that her name was all over those video pics” Heather Killebrew wrote. Exactly, who and how did that person’s name appear in that packet? , which Heather produced, provided and “distributed”. I never mention, confirm nor write that person’s name on anything.
Either, Heather, herself or someone on Heather’s behalf, did. Furthermore, there was no need for it to be included, in the first place, let alone handwriting the person’s name in large print across the top of each page. If you think about it, it could have been just the other person’s initials, it could have been left blank, it could have been the simple phrase “other party”. It could have been multiple other ways, but it wasn’t, it was done intentionally to identify and embarrass that other person.
There is so much in this, which ties and leads to other things that require a detailed timeline and a lot more of Heather’s emails. A lot more to come on this...
6:18 AM 12/13/24
In going through my emails, I came across this email, which Heather had sent to me, nearly three months before my plea hearing the first time. Heather sent this email June 3rd, 2021. At the time this was sent to me, it didn’t fully register with me what she was saying.
Since rediscovering and rereading the contents contained in this email, it hasn’t set well with me, at all. Another, a completely innocent person, has been, with forethought, malice and intention to do so, publicly embarrassed, humiliated and victimized by Heather Killebrew with help and aid.
Furthermore, I will find out a few days after this email, on June 6 in another email, sent by Heather, in which Heather claims the “police” had contacted this other person, which in fact is untrue and a bold face lie. The other party was contacted via LinkedIn, was sent a message that stated, he is a “former police officer”, now private investigator who had been “hired” and retained by Heather Killebrew to investigate possible other harassment of women by [my name] and asked if she would be willing to speak with him regarding the matter and a left a phone number for her to call if willing. This happened and occurred in October of 2020, before, I was arrested and charged in the first matter.
At the time the other party contacted this “investigator” as Heather will call him, the “investigator” informed the other party of the contents of the harassment package. Heather is being dishonest and deceitful, she knows the other party already knows because Heather made sure the other party was informed of it.
6:18 AM 12/13/24
Gray Rocking - is a strategy used to avoid conflict. I Gray Rock by nature. I am conflict adverse and conflict avoidant to begin with and she knows that. I try to avoid conflict and upset.
Learn more..
6:16 AM 12/08/24
Here is what Heather is referring to. - This is what I had written on July 22 2021.
"I was cheated on by [ Name Redacted ] with her ex-boyfriend Tom and I stayed until she left. I was cheated on over and over again by [ Name Redacted ], I walked away. She was a rebound from [ Name Redacted ]. I was cheated on by [ Name Redacted ] for pills and I stayed".
She once asked me why I had gotten married so quickly after getting divorced and I said "we got pregnant".
Click to view that email
10:32 PM 12/07/24
Here is what Heather is referring to. - This is what I had written on July 22 2021.
"I was cheated on by [ Name Redacted ] with her ex-boyfriend Tom and I stayed until she left. I was cheated on over and over again by [ Name Redacted ], I walked away. She was a rebound from [ Name Redacted ]. I was cheated on by [ Name Redacted ] for pills and I stayed".
She once asked me why I had gotten married so quickly after getting divorced and I said "we got pregnant".
Click to view that email
10:34 PM 12/07/24
Just in case you don’t have access to that email address or no longer use that email address, below are the emails that I’ve sent to you today.
There will be a very significant, major and direct impact on you financially. When I file, bankruptcy personal and corporate, but entirely corporate, I, [ Redacted ], will be required to notify you of that bankruptcy and how it will affect you. The conservator assigned by the federal magistrate, will assign all monies spent out of the company directly on you as income of yours because of the way I had designated those expenditures. You will receive 1099’s for seven years (2018-2024). The total amount will be north of $500,000. Attached is a screenshot of just one of hundreds of similar emails you sent me. There are hundreds of emails of you asking me to give you cash or you asking me to buy you things and to pay for things for you. In those emails several of them state you want to avoid drawing attention to the cash when you deposit it and how you would deposit it over time to not draw the attention of the IRS, which is knowing admission. When I file corporate bankruptcy, this will definitely occur and happen. It’s up to you, whether I file for bankruptcy or not, but time is quickly running out.
I know it’s crappy, but.. At least you won’t be blindsided by it.
There is also a significant trail of you using my corporate debit card ending in 2103 to make online purchases that trace to your email address and the items being shipped and delivered to your home.
I am just making you aware and notifying you that there will be an impact to you when I file bankruptcy for the corporation. It is no joke, it is legitimate. I never signed or provided you the required requisite gift forms for tax purposes and you know that.
I am just letting you know. So you won’t be blindsided by it. Click to Read full post..
12:03 PM 08/29/24
I am just making you aware and notifying you that there will be an impact to you when I file bankruptcy for the corporation. It is no joke, it is legitimate. I never signed or provided you the required requisite gift forms for tax purposes and you know that. Click to Read full post..
11:13 AM 08/29/24
One more thing, here is some food for thought for you. You know you received it and you know you hid it and you know you didn’t report it on your taxes. So, it doesn’t matter if I file today, next week or five years from now. The same thing will happen and occur. Click to Read full post..
8:04 AM 08/29/24
There will be a very significant, major and direct impact on you financially. When I file, bankruptcy personal and corporate, but entirely corporate, I, [ Name Redacted ] , will be required to notify you of that bankruptcy and how it will affect you. The conservator assigned by the federal magistrate, will assign all monies spent out of the company directly on you as income of yours because of the way I had designated those expenditures. You will receive 1099’s for seven years (2018-2024). The total amount will be north of $500,000. Attached is a screenshot of just one of hundreds of similar emails you sent me. There are hundreds of emails of you asking me to give you cash or you asking me to buy you things and to pay for things for you.
In those emails several of them state you want to avoid drawing attention to the cash when you deposit it and how you would deposit it over time to not draw the attention of the IRS, which is knowing admission. When I file corporate bankruptcy, this will definitely occur and happen. It’s up to you, whether I file for bankruptcy or not, but time is quickly running out.
Click to Read full post..
7:09 AM 08/29/24
Hello. Hope all is going well for you. You once asked me, not long ago, what would I, actually, do if I got my belongings and stuff back from you? The answer is, I would go away and be completely out of your life. For me, my belongings being there provides me hope, as you want them and me there and provides a reason to continue to try and contact you and keep the auto shipments going. Getting my belongings returned to me will provide finality and complete closure. I believe you know this isn’t what or how I want it to be between us. I believe you know that I don’t want my belongings out of your home and to be out of your life and have you out of mine, but you do. I’m positive that you have gathered them up and they are bagged or boxed somewhere, there’s no reason for them to still be there and not returned to me. Returning them to me will get me totally out of your life. I did want the dolly back and the tools I left on the black rack next to the Mercedes, but you can’t mail those. I’m not asking for anything out of the ordinary nor unusual. It’s the final step and it closes the door shut. Not returning them, Keeps the door open, which is how I perceive it and feel about it. Not getting them returned, provides reason to continue to contact you. If you want me completely out of your life, then you will return my items back to me or allow me to collect them. Please let me know how and when you plan to get those back and returned to me. Please. Click to Read full post..
8:50 AM 08/22/24
I’m sitting here remembering how I would jump from email address to email address to get your attention. I would call and call and call and I would start texting and texting and texting. All in a desperate attempt to get your attention. Whether you are reading things from me or not, that’s for you to decide not for me to try and make you. I remember, I would start to provoke and provoke and provoke to get you to pay attention to me out of sheer desperation and panic. It should’ve always been left up to you to decide and not forced upon you. I sincerely and deeply regret that I did those things and acted in such a horrible way to you. I am truly sincerely and genuinely sorry for my behavior and my words. Click to Read full post..
11:14 AM 08/21/24
Tonight at midnight when it switches over to the 22nd, I’m officially done with probation. All the pressure, stress, anxiety, fear and desperation I had been under for a few years is all gone. I’m no longer desperate about anything. I’m going to be getting around $520k out of the house when it sells. I’m going to have an estate sale and then move whatever doesn’t sell. I can finally breathe. In roughly 60 days I am out of this house. I am going to rent for a little bit and take my time in picking a home instead of just a house. I have no ill feelings toward or about you at all. The pressure is off and I’m no longer full of anxiety and fear, and it feels wonderful. I can’t wait to get out of this house, It’s been my prison for many years. Hope life finds you well. Click to Read full post..
10:58 AM 08/21/24
This past week, I went to my family and told them everything. Started with calling Paul to tell him about my financial situation and then my sister called and I finally yesterday called and talked to my dad and told him. My sister and Paul bought me out of the house and bought the jet skis and boat from me. This coming week either Monday or Tuesday I will be paying all my back real estate taxes on my home in full. I feel so much better and it wasn’t near as embarrassing and humiliating as I thought it would be, actually made me feel better. A whole lot better. I am selling the house and I am going to be moving. I don’t know where yet, but I will be moving. I am in a much better place than I have been in many years. The constant fear, anxiety, pressure and stress of going to prison is all but gone. I am no longer desperate, and making desperate decisions, which I have for many years. It was one desperate decision after another desperate decision which compounded into a total train wreck. I know you don’t read these things, but I thought I would share anyways and tell you that I have manned up. Click to Read full post..
4:09 AM 08/17/24
Well, I’m going be getting a dumpster on Monday and begin clearing out and getting ready to move out. I have just been taking care of the things I needed too on my own, keeping busy and being productive. I am sincerely sorry that I still have moments where I call you, I miss you and you’ve been a major part of my life for a long time. I truly do love you with all my heart and soul. I realize that you don’t read anything from me, which is OK. I miss you more than words could ever describe. Hope you’re doing well. I miss you and I love you. Click to Read full post..
8:26 AM 08/15/24
I paid off the truck in full today. I will be going next week to pay all my back real estate taxes. I have fixed and resolved my financial situation. I will be selling the house. when I resubscribed to SiriusXM they activated your radio and I cannot cancel it. It’s paid for another year. Sorry about that. Click to Read full post..
11:29 AM 08/14/24
You know, I want to be with you and for us to be together, but that doesn’t make any difference to you. I love and adore you. I don’t want to be a nuisance nor cause any problems for you. I just would like my belongings back, since, those things don’t make any difference to you. I’m not asking for anything unusual or out of the ordinary. Click to Read full post..
1:35 PM 08/13/24
Hello. I go to my last probation meeting this morning at 10. I get to pee in a cup one last time. Next thursday at 12:01 a.m. I will no longer be a convicted felon. I will no longer be an inmate. Yes they did know, there was contact between us. Yes I faced going to prison. You have no idea the stress that I was under and had been living with. You couldn’t possibly. I miss you. I wish things were different. You know how I feel about my personal belongings and items. I love you with all my heart and I am really struggling, but I am functioning and being productive. Just been trying to figure out how to make money. Hope and wish things are going well for you and life finds you well. This has been really difficult, just would like to get my things back from you, if that’s the way you want this. I miss you and I love you. Click to Read full post..
7:33 AM 08/13/24
As much as I don’t like this, and I hate it, actually, which makes no difference at all. I just don’t understand not allowing me to get my personal items and belongings back. I’m not asking with any intention of trying to provoke a reaction nor a response. I am asking, simply, because they belong to me. You know how I view this, I’ve expressed it many times. I miss my best friend. I miss you. I am miserable. I am depressed. You have been a major part of my life for a very long time. This has been more than difficult. It is difficult. You know how I view those things and it only adds to how difficult it is. I miss you. I don’t understand about not letting me get my belongings back. I just don’t. Click to Read full post..
11:35 AM 08/12/24
I actually do love you. I actually do care deeply about you. I actually am in love with you. I actually miss you so damn much. I am actually totally miserable. I actually am absolutely completely depressed. I am totally desperate for money. My weight has cratered. I am beyond miserable. They actually are going to be taking my truck at the end of the week. I actually desperately did need that money. Click to Read full post..
10:58 AM 08/12/24
I am miserable and beyond depressed. They are taking everything this week. I miss my best friend. I am struggling mightily. I know I’m wasting my time by writing this because you’re not reading it anyways. I really need the money, but I know I’m just wasting my time asking. I’ve made it clear about my items and personal belongings. Click to Read full post..
10:28 AM 08/12/24
I have never loved someone so much. I have never cared for someone so much. I have never missed someone so so much. I have never distrusted someone so much. To me, Not getting my personal items and belongings returned leaves the door open and that is the way I view it and take it. Maybe that is your intention or maybe not, but it is the way I view things. You know that I would like them back if.. Click to Read full post..
10:35 AM 08/10/24
Lastly, I can’t go beyond this topic and I won’t be going beyond this topic. Even though I would like to. I just would like my items and belonging to returned. I’m sure you’re not reading any of this, but I am also sorry for all the messages regarding the return of those things. Click to Read full post..
3:07 PM 08/09/24
I am really sad and depressed about all of this. I am grieving. Your absence is majorly significant and is and has been a major change. I don’t harbor one ill feeling about/for/toward you. I am not asking you for anything other than my personal belongings and items to be returned, which is normal and nothing out of the ordinary. Click to Read full post..
2:07 PM 08/09/24
This is and has been life-changing for me and of course I am grieving the absence of you from my life. Getting those items returned will help with the grieving and healing process. This is difficult enough as it is. I have shared my feelings many times before about this and how I view this and you already know. Click to Read full post..
1:43 PM 08/09/24
This is the last thing I ever wanted to ask, but is your offer for the money I gave you for the driveway still valid? You have no idea how humiliating and embarrassing this is having to ask you that. It would provide some breathing room and allow me to keep the truck, work and earn money. Click to Read full post..
9:43 AM 08/02/24
So reminiscent of the days when my dog was sick, and you run off like a baby. Good riddance. I will never forget this and I’m better off without some weak and pathetic person. I’ve called for help and happy you have Pam, she’s the one for you. Take care.
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10:36 AM 07/10/24
It’s all on you. There’s no damn skank. That’s just a bunch of deflection and bullshit to deflect away from Your statement. You said flat out I’m a pain in your ass most of the time and you don’t need A man like me. Your words, tonight. I don’t wanna be a pain in anyone’s ass and I don’t know anybody that would want to be. It’s on you and I hope you and your ex hubby are happy together. You left that door open and that’s on you too. Click to Read full post..
12:52 AM 07/10/24
Doesn’t matter. I know what happens to a man after he ejaculates and then waits an hour to do it again.. it’s hours and hours of fucking because it’s harder for him to ejaculate again. That’s what you did with her. Oh well. I’m going to get mine soon. A man that lusts over me and we fuck four times in 24 hours at least... and then hours and hours of it. Can’t wait. Click to Read full post..
12:35 PM 04/19/24
It hurts that you attacked me last night and especially this morning. I don’t know how to help you. You seem to not care or want help and just push everyone away. I hope you can find peace with whatever your going through. I realize after last nights messages to me, that there’s more stuff you did behind my back. And I’m sad about it, but you’ve obviously already done it and can’t take it back. I hope the best for you in whatever you go on to do. Sincerely. Click to Read full post..
12:24 AM 04/17/24
It hurts that you attacked me last night and especially this morning. I don’t know how to help you. You seem to not care or want help and just push everyone away. I hope you can find peace with whatever your going through. I realize after last nights messages to me, that there’s more stuff you did behind my back. And I’m sad about it, but you’ve obviously already done it and can’t take it back. I hope the best for you in whatever you go on to do. Sincerely. Click to Read full post..
12:24 AM 04/17/24
Look at the depths, this has sunken too. The bottom. The gutter. It’s sunken so low that you brought my parents into it for no reason and insulted them in an awful terrible way. I do care about you and I do love you. We shouldn’t be at this level. It should never be like this. I’m not gonna snap or wig out. I’m not in that place that I was years ago. I do love you and I do care about you. It didn’t and doesn’t need to be like this. Click to Read full post..
10:24 AM 04/16/24
Look at the depths, this has sunken too. The bottom. The gutter. It’s sunken so low that you brought my parents into it for no reason and insulted them in an awful terrible way. I do care about you and I do love you. We shouldn’t be at this level. It should never be like this. I’m not gonna snap or wig out. I’m not in that place that I was years ago. I do love you and I do care about you. It didn’t and doesn’t need to be like this. Click to Read full post..
10:24 AM 04/16/24
Like most people when I have done something or said something that I regret or know was wrong, I try to apologize for what I’ve done or said. Like, most people, I feel remorseful, regretful and sorrow for what I have done or said and try to correct it and apologize for it. I can’t tell you how to think or feel or what to do. It just wasn’t right and it is shameful. Click to Read full post..
7:51 AM 04/16/24
Those were your actions, behaviors and words, not mine. There is no damn excuse or justification for attacking my parents. None. Hoping and wishing for someone to die and telling them, is not the action, behavior or words of a kind, caring, nice or loving person. Click to Read full post..
7:35 AM 04/16/24
You should feel awful, terrible and horrible and be full of regret and remorse for not only what you said about my parents, also for telling someone that you wished and hoped they would die and rot in hell and telling them, again, a second time, just to die and they won’t be missed, but you don’t. That is way beyond shameful. Click to Read full post..
7:21 AM 04/16/24
Shame is on you, for not apologizing for what you said about my mother and my father. Shame on you for not feeling any regret or remorse for it or wanting to correct it. Shame on you for not feeling awful, horrible and terrible and wanting to apologize for it. Shame is on you for not feeling sorry about what you said about my parents. That says everything about you. Click to Read full post..
7:04 AM 04/16/24
I won’t dignify that with an answer.This is so silly and stupid, ridiculous and childish. The other night you called my mother a whore, who was nothing but kind and gracious to you, You’re 50 years old, not three. Your beef is with me, not them, but you attacked and insulted them anyways. You chose to level the ugliest insults at my parents, who’ve done and did nothing to you, nothing at all. First, you should’ve never said it. Secondly, you should feel awful, terrible and horrible about it and wanted to apologize for it. You didn’t, don’t and won’t and that says it all about you.
You should, also, feel regret and remorse, but you don’t. You think and feel that it is/was justified and that you’re not accountable or responsible for your actions, behavior and words and it is/was ok and nothing was wrong with it. Everything is wrong with that. They did nothing to you. There is nothing that excuses or justifies what you said about them or even bringing them into this with me. Click to Read full post..
7:03 AM 04/16/24
I would never let you know the real person who will be the beneficiary of all my unmet wants and desires and needs. That’s special and secret between me and him. Just like you and Pam. You and Kristie. You and Angie. You and Kelly . You and Tonia. You and the mystery woman on your phone. All of that is special and secret between you and them. Mmmm hmmm. I’m salivating. You’ve given me the ultimate gift. Freedom from you! Click to Read full post..
3:41 PM 04/15/24
One last thing.... Four times is really all I needed to believe. Nothing like that occurred with me, so it’s unbelievable that you wanted her so many times in such a small window of time. That speaks volumes to me. I bet I can beat that record easily with someone that wants me. I’m excited. Click to Read full post..
3:36 PM 04/15/24
Doesn’t matter. Because of what you said to my face in my kitchen, I’m still going to do whatever I desire with anyone I want. You will just have to grit your teeth and deal with all the visuals that you put in my head. Oral. All of it. People don’t change. You continued to betray me with shaving. You proved that you don’t know what real love is.. or you couldn’t care less what I wanted or needed. I’ve taken notice. I’m busy. Click to Read full post..
3:33 PM 04/15/24
Not a mistake for me. I want to be desired and I’m going to have those experiences with someone else, like you did. Your dick was with another woman. It’s no mistake for me. I’m doing it because I want to feel loved and desired again. You don’t love me. You said so. You said she knew how to fuck and you wanted her not me. I believe you. Click to Read full post..
3:01 PM 04/15/24
Yes, you confessed that you FUCKED her Four times in 24-36 hours. I get it! You couldn’t get an erection with me AND you Never fucked me four times in 24 hours. You’ve said it all. I got my confirmation. Do you think I would want to be with someone that’s not attracted to me or desires me the way you desired Kristie!?? No thanks. Too many other hard cocks out there that will want to show me that I’m desired in that way. I’m not upset. I’m happy. I’m excited to meet my person. Ty. Click to Read full post..
2:30 PM 04/15/24
Feels great to know NOW that you only had a LIMP noodle dick with me., and not with donkey ass face. Feels great to know that. And another reason why I am making the right decision. You should be with Kristie, she knows how to fuck! Remember!? Unlike my boring ass. No worries. Happy for the confirmation. Click to Read full post..
1:58 PM 04/15/24
I had already confessed to you, I just wasn’t willing to be adult enough to accept the consequences of that mistake. The first night I confessed, I told you everything. There is nothing new here. I don’t think this is helping me and that’s not what it’s about, It’s about being an adult and owning my mistake. Click to Read full post..
1:56 PM 04/15/24
I’m very deeply and sincerely sorry and extremely regretful that I refused to be adult enough to own my mistake and take responsibility and the consequences that goes with it. I’m sorry so very sorry that I put my selfishness and my feelings and wants of you ahead of yours. I just didn’t want a life without you. I just wanted a life with you and eternity. I selfishly and foolishly put those wants and desires ahead of doing the right thing and taking accountability and responsibility for a very bad mistake I made. I am so very sincerely and genuinely sorry I couldn’t be adult enough before now. Click to Read full post..
1:39 PM 04/15/24
I’m not going to try and cause any trouble for you as you navigate your new life and new girlfriend. I’m an adult and know
that sometimes things just don’t work. We didn’t work, but I do want you to be happy with someone else. I hope you will
want that for me and for me to be happy without any interference from you. I’m sorry it ended like this.. and I’m sorry that I
was the only one who cared enough to say I’m sorry. You never cared and your not sorry, but that’s done now. You made
that decision and choice. I hope you have s wonderful life ahead of you and that you get all the things that bring you
happiness. God bless and good luck. I will be just fine. I’m tough. I will get through this smoothly. Goodbye Joey. Goodbye
to your kids and I hope they are successful in their lives. Good luck.
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11:32 PM 04/10/24
Last thing.. You won’t force me to be with you anymore! You’ve terrorized me and made me afraid for my life but I’m going
fight back now! NO Woman should ever feel forced to be with you! You are pathetic! You are a terrorizing lunatic! You
think you can threaten me just because I DONT want you! You have been holding me hostage with your threats for years!!
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9:50 PM 04/10/24
Remember this.. I was weak and didn’t fight back years ago.. this time will be different and you will serve time in prison. I
will fight back this time! Remember it. Absorb it. You have threatened me again and I’m taking notice of your threat. I won’t
back down this time! The only reason you didn’t serve prison time is because I didn’t fight! See what happens if you try to
harm me or have someone else on your behalf try to harm me. You put the threat out there. You think you’re above the
law but you’re not! I have all of your voice recordings of when you threatened to take down the police and the judges.
They will stop you.
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9:36 PM 04/10/24
Since it’s an open invitation maybe I will forward the email you sent me to Kristie.. you sent her naked photo via email. I
bet she could get a lawsuit against you for that! Thanks for the new information about email! I will let her know!!
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8:59 PM 04/10/24
How about this.. just stop emailing me, stop texting me and go live your life and stop trying to drag me down with you. I
don’t want this. This is a burden. I just want to go on and live a happy life and share with a man who appreciates me and
is honest from minute One! Please just let me go. Go cause someone else to die because it isn’t going to be me no matter
how hard you try. You’ll just end up in stripes. Guaranteed. Quit while you’re still free...
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8:53 PM 04/10/24
It’s email, it’s just one statement sent to an email address after another one and back-and-forth. Just statements. It’s not discussing anything. It’s one statement after another and back-and-forth. it’s impersonal and leaves the other party to interpret the tone and tenor. And a response is being written with another being received. It’s freaking email. Click to Read full post..
8:20 PM 04/10/24
You dragged me down to your level unfortunately.. this is just silly. Wasting my time no more. It’s time to start living and
having fun and letting myself be enjoyed and enjoy. No need for any response or reaction whatsoever. I will just assume
you’re going on with your life as I will be as well. See ya!
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7:56 PM 04/10/24
Since you’re so hell bent on hurting me.. thanks. He will be surprised and happy that I’m single again. Thank you Joey for
absolutely throwing me away so heinously and spitefully. I truly will remember this forever. Everything happens for a
reason and I guess you had a reason to shit all over me. It’s not unnoticed. Thank you again. Thank you.
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7:38 PM 04/10/24
So why are you still contacting me? It’s makes no sense. I’m going to now do it your way and say nothing. Push me right out of your life by saying nothing. Interesting strategy but it will backfire. All you’re doing is creating so much more pain and that’s the way you like it. Your dead pathetic drug addict wife gave you so much drama. And now you need to create as much pain as possible for others because you’re nothing. Click to Read full post..
6:55 PM 04/10/24
I understand clearly now what Pam went through when you decided to discard her like garbage! Definitely Enough Dead
and tortured women!! I get it!! You fucked her over and now you’re fucking me over!! Women should stick together and put
garbage like YOU on the curb!!
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6:46 PM 04/10/24
You have an art for saying nothing. I get it. Here’s how this works.. since you’re ignoring me I will have to get a lawyer to
put it into words and maybe that will make you wake up. I’ve been ignored and pushed around for too long. You are not
worth any of this! If anything, I’ve learned just how cold and callous you are. You don’t give a fuck! And now I don’t! I just
want to be untangled from you.
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6:38 PM 04/10/24
I do not understand your message from this morning st 7:02am. I am too busy to try and figure out your bullshit code
messages. I will avoid everything if it doesn’t make sense.. and since you take everything as gospel, I will do the same.
Nothing without the hard evidence proof. Nothing. Take care.
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4:22 PM 04/10/24
Going back in our old email history, it’s the same thing almost on the same day. It’s almost the same thing we both message back-and-forth to each other. It needs to change. The only way for that to happen is for you to tell me how you want it and the way you want it. We both can’t keep on going like this. If you wouldn’t mind, can you please tell me your way? And then we will do it your way. I can’t keep guessing or assuming based on things that you write. I take what you write and say like gospel. It is confusing for both of us. I take you literally. Both of us have to be tired of the guessing game and assumptions. I will do as you need and want and do things your way, so if you could please tell me what your way is. Click to Read full post..
8:34 AM 04/10/24
I truly thought you had lost your mind and ability to function last year.. but now I’m sincerely worried that you have lost touch with reality and going off the deep end. Please understand that if you don’t stop lashing out at me with these compulsive and delusional lies, I have no choice but to report it for my safety and most importantly the safety of your kids. I believe they are in danger with you and your delusional thinking. Your crazy talk is the same things you were saying about Pam Weber. You’re acting delusional. It’s incredibly frightening. Please get a hold of yourself before you go too far and can’t go back. Click to Read full post..
6:07 PM 09/14/21
You started throwing insults at me as usual, you go way too far. And the saddest part is that we fought about KELLY and her children.. A person you lied about and kept hidden, but chose to hurt and disappoint me instead of her. So sad. I don’t need you to help me. You can supply your new group that I don’t know about. Another hidden stash of women on the side. I just can’t do it. I understand how Dawne must have felt.. just giving up. I give up. Click to Read full post..
1:29 PM 09/14/21
This is just silliness and how things go and went with us. I was trying to help you get your driveway fixed, provided the funds to do so and it becomes this. I never asked or expected anything in return. Was trying to help you because I care about you. Not to get you or tie you to anything. Just trying to help you out of kindness and love.
It then turns to this and it always does. I provided the funds to help you, not get you. I’m sorry that it winds up this way every time. Not trying to hurt you, only was trying to help you. Sorry it always goes this way. Click to Read full post..
1:13 PM 09/14/21
I don’t want to spend another second on this. The money was yours to do whatever you wanted to with it. You choose. Not for me to say anything further about. It did what you wanted to do with it. Thats all I was saying. Not twisting or implying anything past that. Please stop with the thinking I am out to get you. I’m not. I’m trying to move forward and away from this. It hurts to much all the time. Click to Read full post..
1:05 PM 09/14/21
Please STOP sending voicemail messages. If you continue to threaten me, you leave me no choice but to contact the authorities. I will defend myself from your false accusations of me. I did it before and I will do it again. Everyone knows who the dangerous person is and it’s definitely not me. I will defend myself. Your choice. Stop attacking me or go to prison. Your choice. Click to Read full post..
11:04 AM 09/14/21
Please stop. I wonder how many dick pics and videos you made for her? I realize that you knew her much longer than a week for her to video herself masterbating and sending to you. You are both sick. I wasn't enough in your mind. I'm sorry. Never again. It's also so sad that her name was all over those video pics and thinking how many police officers, lawyers, courts, assistants, clerks and judges and probably many more people who saw those images. It was all printed and put into the harassment package. I wonder how she would feel if she knew how many people saw her naked pictures and masterbating video? I wonder? She is an idiot. You are sick. And I was the fool. Never again. Click to Read full post..
12:42 PM 06/03/21